Bollywood actress Himani Shivpuri has pledged to work for the development of her maternal village, Bhatwadi, located in the remote hills of Rudraprayag district, Uttarakhand. The renowned actress has decided to adopt the village, which has been struggling with the effects of migration for years.
Bhatwadi, one of the most neglected villages in the region, now has a ray of hope as Himani Shivpuri, who was born there, reconnects with her roots. Despite leaving the village many years ago, Shivpuri has remained emotionally attached to the hills.
According to state secretariat officials in Dehradun, the actress has expressed her intent to adopt the village, where the majority of the remaining population consists of elderly people, women, and children, as most of the male youth have migrated for better employment opportunities.
Officials from the state’s rural development department revealed that Shivpuri responded to an appeal made by the Uttarakhand government, inviting non-resident natives to contribute to their ancestral villages’ welfare. She is also expected to participate in an upcoming conclave for Uttarakhand natives living outside the state, organized by the Pushkar Singh Dhami government.
Himani Shivpuri plans to focus on improving the well-being of the elderly and enhancing the lives of women and children in Bhatwadi. Her initiatives will include better healthcare services for villagers and improved education for girls. The actress is expected to visit Bhatwadi soon and stay for a few days to implement her plans.
Born in 1964 to Haridatt Bhatt and Shail Bhatt of Bhatwadi, Himani Shivpuri spent her early years in the village before completing her schooling in Dehradun. She began her film career in 1984-85 and has since become one of the most celebrated actresses in Hindi cinema, with more than 100 films to her credit.
Shivpuri’s decision to adopt her ancestral village is seen as a significant step toward addressing rural challenges and preserving Uttarakhand’s heritage.